This is where to start when it comes to facial aesthetics.
Ignore everything else until you build a solid foundation. This is like
working out, you need to build up a good foundation (good form, main
compound lifts) in order to build off from. If your foundation sucks,
the whole thing will just fall apart.
What is Orthotropics?
is the way in which people are discovering, you can change your face,
structure and teeth through the use of different mouth exercises,
posture, tongue posture.
requires consistent effort and practice, for the full effects that will
come into effect in the long term rather than short term, it could take
many years to see significant results, but what you get is deffinatley
worth it.
Where to start?
posture, tongue posture is critical for a correct bite, straight teeth
and strong facial support. The sooner you fix this and get it into check
the better.
Tongue posture is what so many people have wrong, and that for most, is unheard of.
tongue is supposed to sit with the tip touching the ball behind the top
teeth, and the back of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth with
the whole mouth closed up with a good lip seal. This provides a solid
support for the upperface and prevents the Maxilla (jaw) from pressing
down to much force, which causes Bruxism and the like, this is stopped
because the tongue provides a very strong ressistance and pressure to
hold up the upper face.
Tongue Posture Benefits
tongue posture over months will start to improve the deffinition of
cheeks bones, increase the size of the palate, help reduce severity of
an overbite, help straighten teeth, strengthen the muscles of the
face, lifting up the face and getting rid of drooping. There are many
other benefits. I myself am still practicing tongue posture, as its my
most recent endeavour
Tips For Tongue Posture
swallowing and holding it until you feel the sensation of the back of
your tongue coming up and touching the roof of your mouth while keeping
the tip touching the ball behind your front teeth.
Excuse the crude illustration but for those who have trouble imagining it.
should start to show after the first couple of months of doing it
properly, the aim is to fall asleep and your tongue still be firmly
touching the roof of your mouth. Once it becomes a subconcious action is
when the major effects will start to come through as well as the steady
process of palate expansion.
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